Integra Learning | Autism Spectrum Therapies
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Unlock your child's learning potential naturally

If your child has been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, anxiety, or other behavioral challenges, I can help your child improve neurological connections and balance their symptoms  without the use of drugs .

Does your child:


  • Struggle to stay focused and pay attention

  • Needs to move constantly

  • Has frequent emotional outbursts

  • Has sleeping difficulties

  • Is a "picky-eater" and has GI issues

  • Stumbles on things or trips frequently

  • Has allergies, especially food allergies

  • Struggles with transitions and changes

  • Is sensitive to noise, light or different textures

  • Suffers from chronic infections

  • Has learning challenges​

  • Has ticks or involuntary movements

  • Focuses on certain items/activities

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You are not alone.


Sadly, it is not uncommon nowadays for children to struggle with systemic challenges that interfere with their natural development and prevent them from feeling at ease in their bodies.


This "unease" in sensory-motor, neurological, mental, social and emotional areas is often the result of a combination of factors that block the natural flow of interrelated physical and energetic systems affecting the whole child.


Statistics show an increase in cases of Autism and ADHD at rates that are worrisome and difficult to fathom for the future.


1 in 36 children have autism • 1 in 6 have ADHD



The good news is that factors that impact development can be cleared, and symptoms can be alleviated by applying a proven systematic natural approach that will jumpstart your child's rebalancing process and -in some instances-, be reversed.



What are the factors that impact natural development?


  • Environmental toxins

  • Lack of specific nutrients

  • Mycotoxins & and colonization of mould and parasites

  • Overstimulation with electronics and EMFs

  • Lack of natural movement

  • Major medical interventions

  • Allergic reactions to drugs and vaccinations

  • Mental and emotional traumas

  • Traumatic birth experience and lack of bonding with mom

  • Inherited physical, mental, and emotional epigenetic pre-dispositions

  • Mom's stress during pregnancy and early years


That seems like a long list, right? But...


You can help your child unlock their potential by removing developmental blocks by

​rebalancing, restoring and reconnecting

their whole system.




REBALANCE bioenergetic flow and detoxification processes


Nutritional deficiencies and biochemical imbalances 


 brain and Sensory pathways

This is a holistic dynamic process

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It might take some time and layers of rebalancing, restoring and reconnecting, but it is possible to unlock your child's gifts, one step at a time. 

I know you've got questions.

I've got you!

Take a look at the Holistic Program for more details.

But if you prefer to chat with me please book a free Discovery Call.

And if you jut want to know who I am, look below.


Sandra Valle, Doctor in Medical Helikunst and Homeopathy, Waldorf educator, certified Learning Support Specialist, Brain and Sensory practitioner.

I am so glad you are here! 

If you made it this far, you are fiercely determined to find whatever it takes to help your child. Even if it means going "against the grain".


Well, I would say you are unapologetically brave!

And possibly you and I have much more in common than you'd think.

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